
La Mer 海

Nice was faced the Mediterranean Sea. On the day I arrived at Nice, the bus from Nice airport ran along the beach, I saw the light of moon running straight on the surface of the sea. It was so beautiful. In the morning I headed to Vence, the sunshine reflected on the sea. When I saw the amazing color of the sea on my way back to Nice, I jumped off the bus without considering how far Nice was.


Some people enjoyed fishing.

Many people enjoyed sunbathing, the beach near Nice was crowded with people sunbathing.

I walked on the beach. The sound of the wave reminded me of Honohoshi-beach in Amami.
波打ち際まで行ってみました。波の「ごろごろ」という音、懐かしい。奄美大島のホノホシ海岸 で聴いた音に似ていました。

There were round stones.

There were yachts on the sea.

I enjoyed walking along the sea to Nice. People enjoyed by their own way, cycling, roller-braiding, jogging, walking, chatting and watching the sea. I understood why Nice attracted many people.


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