

When the bus arrived at Höfn, it was raining. I got my backpack, headed to YH. It took about 20 minutes to get to YH. I met people from Hong Kong, Holland, Belgium etc at the YH. I often met people from Holland in this trip. They said it was common to have 3-4 weeks holiday in Holland. I envy them.
I stayed in Höfn 2 nights. The first night was at YH. I shared a room with Belgium couple and English woman. The second night was at a sleeping-bag accommodation. I shared a room with two Taiwanese women. They said “We met in a bus from International Airport. Don’t you remember us?” No, I didn’t remember them. But they were friendly, we had a good time.
I could use the internet at the information, it cost 100Ikr par 30 minutes.

ホプンで2泊した。1泊はYH。ベルギー人カップル(自転車をバスに乗せたり、サイクリングしながら旅行していた)と、年配のイギリス人女性と同室だった。もう1泊もYHにしたかったが、満室だったので、他のゲストハウスのsleeping-bag accommodationにした。sleeping-bag accommodationとは、YHのように相部屋でベッドが並んでいて、ベッドの上で寝袋(sleeping bag)を使う宿(accommodation)のことで、アイスランドではたくさんある。ここでは台湾人の女性2人と同室。「わぁー、空港からのバスで一緒でしたね。え?覚えてないの?」と言われたが、覚えてない。このような宿やテントで泊まりながら17日間の旅行をしているとか。

The following morning, I went for a walk. There was a path along the coast, I could see a lot of cottonsedges.

There were some small islands.

A lot of birds were flying. Peaceful.

I decided to go back to the town on the paved road. When I started to walk, a lot of birds started to fly around me and shouted at me. I guess there were birds’ nest around the road, they tried to protect them from me. They began to drop “bombs”. I had to go back, then I walked on the path along the coast to the town.

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