We left Eldgjá. The bus headed to Landmannalaugar on bumpy road, crossed rivers. There was snow on the mountains. The bus driver sometimes said “photo stop!” and stopped the bus at places of scenic beauty.
エルドギャウEldgjáを出発。バスは、がたがた道をどんどん走っていく。ずっと景色良い。しばらくすると雪渓が見られるようになってきた。景色の特に良いところでは、ドライバーは“photo stop”と言ってバスを止めてくれた。360度見渡せる景色は写真に撮れないのが残念。

We arrived at Landmannalaugar. Some of passengers started to set up their tents at the campsite. I went for a walk around there. The mountains were colorful such as green, red, blue, brown and black. The landscape was so beautiful.

There was a outdoor hot spring.

I had planned to take a bus to Reykjavík. But it hadn’t arrived yet. I asked bus driver if he knew what happened to the bus, but he just shrugged. I began to be anxious. Because I had to take a airplane on the next early morning to come back home. A few minutes later, I noticed 5 passengers were talking. I went to them, asked what happened. One of passengers was a Finn, she could speak English and Icelandic. She talked to the bus driver in Icelandic, then she told passengers in English “The bus for Landmannalaugar had a trouble. Now another bus headed here.” All passengers were relieved.

I got in a bus for Reykjavík one hour later. I left Iceland the following day. My seven days trip in Iceland was over.
I understand people said to me “Iceland was the most impressed country in my life”.
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