I just came back from Iceland. It was the second time to visit Iceland. I had made this plan for looking puffins close. The first time I saw puffins was more than 10 years ago in Alaska. I was fascinated by their adorable appearance. Last year, I happened to see a photo of puffins’ colony on a magazine in Iceland. I asked our Icelandic guide “Do you know where it is?”. She said “Yes, I do. This place is in the northeast of Iceland. You can see puffins on the Westman Islands. It’s easier to visit.”. Since then, I bought a guide book “lonely planet”, I looked up on the internet, I had planed this Iceland trip.
I stayed on Heimaey Island for three days. This island is the only island people live in Vestmannaeyjar (the Westman Islands).
2度目のアイスランドの旅から戻ってきました。一番の目的はパフィンを近くで見ること。パフィンとの出会いは10年以上前のアラスカ旅行。氷河を見に行くクルージングで、無数のパフィンが住む小さな島の近くを通り、そのかわいい姿に心を奪われた。昨年のアイスランドツアーの時、たまたま手に取った雑誌にパフィンのコロニーの写真があった。ツアーに同行していたアイスランド人のガイドに、この写真の場所を知っているか聞くと、そこはアイスランドの北東の町。パフィンを見たければ、ウェストマン島にもいますよ。と、教えてもらった。アイスランドツアーから戻ってからは、パフィンに会いに行くために、情報収集。“地球の歩き方”にアイスランドがないので、”lonely planet”を買い、インターネットで検索。休暇ももらえることになって、夢が実現した。

Heimaey is a small island (about 4km from east to west, about 6km from north to south). I went to the west coast ,Ofanleitishamar, to see puffins every day. I could see lots of puffins on the bad weather days, but I saw few puffins on the sunny day.

Puffins are about 20cm. They live in Iceland from April to August to breed.
体長、約20cm. 春から夏にかけて、子育てのためにアイスランドにやってくる。

I could see puffins’ adorable appearance. Puffins were flying in front of me.

Ofanleitishamar. There was a path along the cliff. I walked carefully. Because there were holes on the ground, the soil and grasses overhung the rock at some places.
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