I wanted to stay Kamakura Hase YH on the night, but it was full. I went to Hakone, stayed at Hakone Sengokuhara YH. It was the first time to visit Hakone, I expected to see Mt. Fuji.
The owner of the YH ran Fuji-Hakone Guest House next to the YH, I stayed there. There were onsen bathes in it. I shared a room with a Japanese and a Korean. Most of visitors were foreigners. There was Hinakazari in the common room.
箱根仙石原YHのオーナーはお隣のFuji-Hakone Guest House も経営しており、そのドミトリーに部屋を案内された。ドミトリーと行っても、和室。日本人と韓国人の女性と相部屋。韓国人の方は、年に数回日本に旅行に来られ、日本語がぺらぺら。
Guest House は外国人旅行者が多いので、案内板は英語。温泉あり、ひな飾りもあった。こんな立派なひな人形、久しぶり。

On the following day, I went to Musée du Petit Prince de Saint Exupéry à Hakone. Little prince welcomed me at the entrance.

I could see photos of Saint Exupéry, original drawings and so on.

I saw characters in the museum.

I left the museum, took a bus, got to Ashi lake. I headed to Hakone by sightseeing boat.

Some people were fishing in the lake. They looked cold.

It was cold, but fun outside.

Hoto-Hakone. Two mountains were called Futago-yama.

Photos from Moto-Hakone. I could see Mt.Fuji! It was so beautiful!
It reminded me of a children’s song “Mt.Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan.”