I just came back from Taisetsuzan in Hokkaido. I used to visit Hokkaido a few times every year. But it takes a long time to get to Hokkaido like traveling abroad, so I haven’t been there for 10 years. I stayed at Sounkyo YH 3 nights, 21st, 22nd, 23rd of September.
I arrived at Shinchitose airport in Sapporo at 14:25 on the 21th. I could get a train for Sapporo 14:34 departure. It was so lucky. Because if I missed the train, I arrived at Sounkyo around 20:30.
I changed trains at Sapporo station, got a bus at Kamikawa station, then I arrived at Sounkyo at 18:30. The building of Sounkyo YH hasn’t changed. There were many trekking boots at the entrance of YH. Most of guests came there to climb mountains and see the autumn color. The average age of the guests was estimated around 50(?). In the 10 – 15 years ago, most of guests knew how beautiful the autumn color in Taisetsuzan was at the YH, then they rented boots and went to Taisetsuzan. The average age of the guests was estimated around 30.
How attractive the autumn colors in Taisetsuzan is? The answer is that many guests come there every year. In fact, I met three people who I had met every year from 1993 to 1996 at the YH. I was happy to meet them again.
9月21日14:25 新千歳空港に到着。この飛行機は14:35着予定だったので、14:34発の札幌行きの電車には間に合わないと思っていたが、飛び乗ることができた。ラッキー。この電車を逃すと、宿への到着が2時間も遅くなっていたから。
宿は層雲峡ユースホステル (YH) に3泊。建物は10年前と変わらない。なつかしい。玄関を入ると、登山靴がずらずら〜っと並んでいた。以前は、たまたま層雲峡に来た旅行者が紅葉の見頃だと知り、長靴をYHで借りて紅葉を見に行くということが多かったけど、今はほとんどの人が紅葉のために準備を整えて、やって来る。平均年齢は、10年前より20-30歳も上がってるんじゃないかしら。毎年、この時期に来る人も多い。紅葉の時期は短いので、全国からやって来る旅人は、約束をしてなくても再会できたりする。

I woke up at 5 am on the 22nd. I had expected the beautiful weather after a typhoon passed, but the clouds were spread.
I took a bus to get Ginsendai. We could see the first view point, Daiichi Kaen from the entrance of the trail.

Daiichi kaen. It was much more beautiful than this photo!
Many people were waiting the sunshine for taking nice photos.

There was a path in Daiichi Kaen.

When I was walking in Daiichi Kaen, the sunshine appeared for a moment. The colors were brilliant.

So beautiful.

Soon after, the fog overspread the scenery.




The ridge of mountains.

The steep slope.

The bottom of the steep slope.
I have to say again, it was much more beautiful than this photo!

I climbed up the slope.
The weather was changeable on this day. Sometimes the strong wind blew, the rain was falling. There was frost on the ground.

The top of Akadake. There was a strong wind, so I had a lunch beside the rocks with a man who was traveling Hokkaido for a few month and a woman who stayed at same room of YH.