After leaving Hida Furukawa, I stayed at Hida Takayama Tenshoji YH. The YH was run by a temple, Tenshoji. I met visitors from different countries such as France, Australia and USA at the YH.
I went to Norikuradake by bus. Snow remained some places. It was cold. Then I went to Hirayu Onsen (hot spring). The water was white, smelled sulfur. I took a outdoor bath, listening birds’ songs. It was great!
Then I went back to Takayama. A local woman told me “You should take a walk around Sanmachi (consisted of traditional wooden houses) at night.” I followed the advice. The old lamps lit vaguely at each front door. It was quiet and beautiful.
The next day, I went to Kamikochi by bus. I needed to change buses at HirayuOnsen, but it took one and a half hours to get Kamikochi. It was closer than I had thought.
It was beautiful weather. Many swallows were flying swiftly above us.
飛騨古川の後、飛騨高山のひだ高山天照寺YH で一泊。世界各地からの旅人が集まっていた。
1日目は、バスで乗鞍岳へ。雪がまだ残っていた。涼しい! その後、平湯温泉で野鳥の声を聞きながら乳白色湯の露天風呂につかり、高山へ戻る。地元の人のおすすめ、日が落ちた後に古い町並みを歩く。昼間と違い静かで、玄関の丸い電球がぽわっと光を放つ。幻想的でした。
その夜、上高地まで1時間半くらいで行けることを知り、フランス人の女性からガイドブック(lonely planet)をかりて、情報収集。

The last photo is Norikuradake.